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WBGenie V1.02
November 10, 1992
© Copyright 1992 by Steven Velletri
All Rights Reserved Worldwide
Important Legal Information
Permission is granted to freely copy and distribute this package by all
mediums, provided no charge or fee is ask for, and no modifications
are made to this package.
The program WBGenie, all supporting programs, and related documentation
are copyrighted © 1992 by Steven Velletri. All rights are reserved worldwide.
This program is SHAREWARE. If you find it useful, please send $25 and
and obtain a registered copy of WBGenie. See below for details on how to
The wbgenie software and documentation is provided "as is" without warranty
of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to the
implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
You are advised to test the software thoroughly before relying on it. You
agree to accept the entire risk as to the quality and performance of the
software and documentation. In no event will Steven Velletri be liable for
direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from any
defect in the program.
Steven Velletri reserves the right to make improvements to the product and
documentation at any time and without notice.
Please support the continued development of quality Amiga software by
registering the software which you find useful.
Please contact the author. If you think any of the above conditions are
being violated. Thank you.
Have You Registered? -- if you haven't.
WBGenie is shareware. If you find this program useful, please send $25
(Australian) to:
Steven Velletri
P.O. Box 342
Hamilton Hill
WA 6163
Please send payment in one of the following forms:
Australian cash (be very careful!)
Australian check in Australian dollars
Australian money order in Australian dollars
Companies which wish to use WBGenie for more than one employee should
purchase a separate license for each employee. Enterprise licenses are
available for large companies. Please contact the author for details.
In return for your contribution of $25 or more, you will receive a diskette
containing the most recent version of WBGenie, its support program
files and complete documentation. A separate registration form is included
in the documents directory called register.doc, or you can print a
registration form from within the shareware version of WBGenie.
Please promote the shareware system by making a contribution to the authors
of the shareware products you commonly use.
To discourage software piracy, the full name and address of each registered
user will be encoded in their own personalized registered version of
WBGenie. To see this, select "Register" from the "Program" menu.
Special Thanks
The following people have assisted me with the developement of this product:
Michael Fulgaro
He lent me his computer while I was waiting for my 250Meg seagate
hard disk to arrive. It took over 2 months !!
ADAWA (Amiga Developers Association of Western Australia)
They helped Beta test WBGenie and helped me with many technical
difficulties - Many Thanks.
Getting Started
It is recommended that you copy the WBGenie program to your
:tool/commodities directory and place the project (i.e. config files) file
you finally create in the wbstartup directory. Other project files should
be kept in a directory to which the assign WBGenie: has been made.
Eg. copy the entire WBGenie draw to your utilities draw and add the
following in your s:user-startup script:
assign WBGenie: sys:utilities/WBGenie
All your configuration could be stored in this directory.
This is only recommended however as there are numerous ways to install
What is WBGenie?
WBGenie is a WB program launcher with a difference. It is intended to be
a WB interface to a set of WB programs (which I am in the process of
writing) to make performing housekeeping chores on the Amiga
simple. There are already shareware and public domain programs which
perform housekeeping functions. You may very easily configure WBGenie
to use any of these. (i.e. WBGenie will launch any WB program, not just those
I supply.) The underlying philosophy behind WBGenie is that the
programs it launches should have simple intuitive interfaces which can be
passed parameters via the WB.
WBGenie Key Features
WBGenie is 2.0 compatible only. It will only function under 2.0 or greater.
WBGenie is simple to use.
WBGenie closely follows the Commodore-Amiga Style Guide
(Let me know if you think there are any violations.)
WBGenie is intuitive.
WBGenie is a commodity.
WBGenie window is resizeable and can be snapshot.
WBGenie is configurable both in the sense that Wishes (tools) can be
configured and the operational setup can be configured without ever
having to use the keyboard.
WBGenie wish (tool) configuration produce project files with icons
(Note: icon generation is optional)
WBGenie has keyboard equivalents for gadgets and most menus items.
WBGenie honors the users screen font preference.
WBGenie will modify its own tool types when saving certain user setting
without affecting others as per the style guide.
WBGenie supports many tool types which allows the user to set many default
WBGenie appicon is a cute little alladins lamp but the user can set any
icon to be the default appicon via the WBG_ICON tool type. Alladins
lamp icon are provided in varying sizes so the user can select the
size which suits best.
WBGenie will add an assign to the directory from which it was run if it
wass run using the program icon. (WBGenie:=<path from which is was run>)
Terminology and Definitions
Through out this documentation there are several terms and phrases which
the reader should be familiar with. Below is a list describing them:
WB - work bench
CLI - command line intereface
tool - an application which can be run from the work bench
and CLI
appicon - a specal icon allowing users to interface with the
application responsible for the icon.
appwindow - a specal window allowing users to interface with the
application responsible for the window normally by
dropping an icon on to it.
drag and drop - refers to the action of clicking an an icon and holding
the button down and moving the mouse pointer over on
appicon or appwindow and releasing the button.
Below is a list of terms specific to WBGenie and their defnitions:
rub - see "drag and drop" (they are idenitcal).
wish - see tool (they are identical).
lamp - this is an appicon representing Alladin's Lamp.
genie - the WBGenie appwindow though which the user may make
or configure wishes.
Configuring Wishes
Run WBGenie and double click on the lamp appicon which appears on the
workbench. The WBGenie window will appear. This is an appwindow and dragging
and dropping tools (wishes) on to the window will add them to the list
gadget. Once you have finished configuring WBGenie you may save it to a file
by selectng "save as" or "save" under the project menu.
An Example of how to use WBGenie
When WBGenie is run by double clicking on its icon or from the CLI an
appicon representing an Aladin's lamp is placed on the WB screen. Rubbing
(where rubbing is defined as dragging and dropping icons on the lamp icon)
the lamp with an icon or several icons, will summon the genie. The genie
will contain a list of wishes which may be performed on the icons used to
rub the lamp. Please note the tool selected must be able to accept
parameters via the WB in order for the tool to operate on the icons. For
instance if a text editor was selected as the wish then the text editor
would be launched and it would automatically load the text files associated
with the icons.
Brief History
I had programmed in C on IBM compatibles commercially for 2 years and even
though during this time and earlier I owned an Amiga 2000 I had never felt
the urge to program on the Amiga. When WB2.0 came along things changed,
at last an OS which could stack up against the likes of Microsoft Windows
(WB2.0 incidently is far more advanced in most areas than MS Windows 3.1)
and the Macintosh. The advent of 2.0 sparked my desire to try out some
Amiga programming.
WBGenie evolved out of the dislike of using directory management programs
or the CLI (Yuk!) to perform simple housekeeping tasks to the Amiga file
system. The problem with directory management software is that they are big
and cumbersome. They require a mental context switch when switching from the
WB to the directory management software. I wrote WBGenie to be an interface
to a series of simple utilities which will perform functions like those listed
make assignment
Add or replace an icon
Delete an icon
make a link
copy, move or rename a file
compress a file
uncompress a file
Show IFF
Play IFF
Print file
read file (i.e. using narrator device)
The WBGenie interface in its current form is very simple but elegant and at
present maximum useability is obtained when using WBGenie in conjunction
with Toolmanager (a WB tool launcher with a dock and Appmenu, available on
fisk disk ???? which I highly recommend). Future version of the interface
may include some or all of the toolmanager functionality. (Your input would
be appreciated concerning the functionality you would like to see.)
The basic design principle governing WBGenie is elegance. This is the main
reason for the absence of a CLI program launching cabability.
If however, users find themselves using WBGenie as merely
a program launcher and would like CLI support then I will include it
in the guise of a new product with a similar user interface.
Note however, the real aim of WBGenie is not to be just a program launcher
but rather a WB interface to a series of WB programs which can be used to
perform simple housekeeping funtions. I want WBGenie to be to WB what
Nortons Desktop is to Microsoft Windows, only better.
An Example of how to use WBGenie
When WBGenie is run by double clicking on its icon or from the CLI an
appicon representing an Aladin's lamp is placed on the WB screen. Rubbing
(where rubbing is defined as dragging and dropping icons on the lamp icon)
the lamp with an icon or several icons, will summon the genie. The genie
will contain a list of wishes which may be performed on the icons used to
rub the lamp. Please note the tool selected must be able to accept
parameters via the WB in order for the tool to operate on the icons. For
instance if a text editor was selected as the wish then the text editor
would be launched and it would automatically load the text files associated
with the icons.
Below is a list of function which WBGenie may be configured to perform:
make assignment
Add or replace an icon
Delete an icon
make a link
copy, move or rename a file
compress a file
uncompress a file
Show IFF
Play IFF
Print file
read file (i.e. using narrator device)
Configuring WBGenie
WBGenie allows many aspects of is operation to be customised. There are
three groups of configuration, namely WBGenie Wishes, WBGenie State and
WBGenie position. Below is a description of how these may be configured.
WBGenie Wishes
As already described, wishes are essentially tools which WBGenie may launch.
Apon launch WBGenie passes the wish the icons which were used to summon the
Genie. If no icons were passed the wish is still launched. (See example in
section An Example of How to Use WBGenie).
To configure these wishes you simply run WBGenie in the usual fashion
(either via CLI or WB) and double clicks on the lamp icon which appears on
the WB. A window will appear (i.e. the Genie) onto which and you may drop
tool icons. Continue dropping tool icons until all the required tools have
been configured. You may now save this configuration via the "save" or "save
as" menu option.
If "create icon" was checked in the menu when save was selected then a
project icon will be created along with configuration file. Double clicking
on this icon will start WBGenie with the saved config file. If you wish you
may place this icon in the wbstartup drawer and WBGenie will be ready to
summon immediately after boot up. Note that you my have to add the DONOTWAIT
tool type to the project icon you copy to the wbstartup drawer.
WBGenie State
The state refers to the following aspects of WBGenie operation:
default save as name,
default state of "create icon" menu
default state of "save state" menu
default state of "save position menu
default wish (not used at present)
default state of stay (not used at present)
default state of lock (not used at present)
These default setting may be changed by adding or altering the tool types in
the icon used to launch WBGenie (tool types are discussed below). These
tooltypes my be changed manually or automatically by selecting the "save
state" or "all" sub menu option. Note that the "all" option will save the
position (discussed below) and the state.
WBGenie Position
The position refers to the default sceen location the Genie will appear at
when it is summoned. This default location may be changed by adding or
altering the tool types in the icon used to launch WBGenie (tool types are
discussed below). These tooltypes my be changed manually or automatically by
selecting the "save position" or "all" sub menu option. Note that the "all"
option will save the state (discussed above) and the position.
WBGenie Tool Type
Below is a list desribing the tool types which WBGenie understands:
CX_PRIORITY - see Amiga doc
CX_POPUP - see Amiga doc
CX_POPKEY - see Amiga doc
WBG_CONFIG - the default config file to load at start up
usage: WBG_CONFIG=WBGenie.config
WBG_SAVEAS - the default file nae to show in the
"save as file requestor"
usage: WBG_SAVEAS=sys:WBGenie.config
WBG_TOP_EDGE - the default position of the top edge of the Genie
usage: WBG_TOP_EDGE=10
WBG_LEFT_EDGE - the default position of the left edge of the Genie
usage: WBG_LEFT_EDGE=10
WBG_WIDTH - the default width of the Genie
usage: WBG_WIDTH_EDGE=180
WBG_HEIGHT - the default height of the Genie
usage: WBG_HEIGHT_EDGE=180
WBG_CREATE_ICONS - if set to YES then the "create icons" menu will
be checked.
WBG_SAVE_STATE - if set to YES then the "save state" menu will be
WBG_SAVE_POSITION - if set to YES then the "save position" menu will be
WBG_STAY - not used
WBG_LOCK - not used
WBGenie Menus
Below is a list desribing the WBGenie menus:
New - Clears the current wish list
Open... - Brings up a file requestor from which a configuration
file may be selected
Save - Saves the file to the default name of the opened file
Save As... - Brings up a file requestor from which a save file
name may be selected
About... - Displays general information about WBGenie
Register... - Prints out a registration form if this is the trial
version of WBGenie otherwise details of registered
user is displayed.
Quit... - Asks if you are sure you want to quit
All - Will save both the state and position to the startup
icon's tool types
State - Only the state will be saved
Positon - Only the position will be saved
Create Icons - If checked then project icons are created when
configuration files are saved
Save State - If checked then the project icon created will contain
tool types that reflect the current state.
Save Position - If checked then the project icon created will contain
tool types that reflect the current position.
Comming Attractions
Below is a list of likely additions to WBGenie:
Better font support - At present scaling of fonts does not occur in the
in the X direction (Fonts larger than about 35 pts
cause display problems).
Make configuration files IFF files - If a WBGenie config file is dropped
on the Appwindow it will load the
configuration rather than add it to
the tool list.
Support localization - The text strings will alter according to the
WB's configured language.
Add a Stay feature - This would be either a menu option or gadget or
both which would cause the launch window to remain
open once a wish has been made.
WBGenie path search - If the tool is not found in its directory WBGenie
will search the system path.
display WBGenie activity messages on the Appwindow
(e.g. loading config file, saving config file, adding wishes etc.)
"Save" operates same as "save as" menu when no name has been
Selecting the "New" menu will bring up an "are you sure" requester if the
current wish configuration has not been saved.
These additional features will only be added if users support the product
so please register if you find it useful.